
Business Valuation

Essential for shareholder value creation, value realization, business planning.

Due Diligence

Analyze the potential acquisition at the proposed purchase price, which helps the investors

Capital Raising - Equity

We advise companies, in all stages of business, on raising debt and equity financing as well as refinancing existing debt or equity.

Strategic Advice

Our strategic advice transforms and strengthens businesses to become ready for acquisition, investment or sale.


We feel that accounting has become solely about the numbers, but numbers in a vacuum and without any explanation mean very little and are of little use to anyone

Business consultancy

We offer a wide range of business consultancy services designed to achieve profitability and improve overall business performance.

Services provided by Omini Advisory

We’ve been called renegades, rebels, mavericks and mutineers by the competition, and magicians, supermen, pioneers and valued professionals by our clients.
Our difference depends on the diverse, engaged, passionate, and experienced people who create our ideas and serve our clients.Honesty, respect and integrity are the key principles that guide us.